IW5EDI new facebook profile
My new facebook profile
My new facebook profile
Recommended Repeater Operating Procedures Use simplex wherever possible freeing the repeater for necessary uses. Monitor the repeater (listen) or determine if the repeater is in use, and if there are any peculiarities in its operation. After listening for a few seconds, identify, un key and listen to see if it was quiet for a reason,
A visit to Florence by the Ham YOTA 2015 group
This article documents the modification of 2 typesof Hewlett Packard switching power supplies to enable their use as power sources for ham radio equipment. Obsolete server power modules can be bought from online dealers at very good prices due to the massive replacement of older network servers; typical prices for a unit are as low
How to search Facebook for people by using their amateur radio call-sign. Examples and restrictions
Thanks to an online petition made via change.org  promoted by NW7OR, starting from today facebook allow to add your own ham radio call-sign as altenate name and have it displayed in your public profile page This should allow others to look for your your by using your QRZ. This is how appears now my Facebook profile
Florence Old Bridge This picture I’ve taken few days ago, reveals, what I’ve always considered, the symbol of amateur radio in Florence. This Yagi Antenna tower, erected very close to the old bridge several years ago I suppose belong to IK5JXR (I5BKO), now SK. Just wanted to share this piece of my city with you.
Google glass are wearable computer, with a built-in Android OS on it, and in this movie N3WG Nick Garner show us a sample application of a ham radio related application written for the Google Glass platform. Practically Nick is able to remote control an Elecraft KX3 radio via the Pigremote connected via Wi-Fi, of