YO Yagi Optimizer

Yagi Optimizer is an old DOS program made more than 25 years ago by K6STI made to analyze and design antennas.
It’s very suitable to VHF antenna modelling and even if it is very old it is still very popular.
Nowadays, in the 64Bit era, with the advent of modern Windows versions, running an old MS-DOS program is very hard, but fortunately someone thought to us.
To run MS-DOS programs under Windows you can use DosBox a MS-DOS PC emulator that permits you to easily run Yagi Optimizer , YO.exe without head hakes.
To correctly execute the program follow Mount command instructions when you run DosBox
With Yagi Optimizer you can also use mouse to play with element lengths and element spacing
thanks for all the great info 73 kf5axy
Awesome. Thanks. Been long looking for YO and TA. Found YO with this great article.
Do you know how can I get TA (Terrain Analyzer) from K6STI?
I have YO7 if you want it.
> Do you know how can I get TA (Terrain Analyzer) from K6STI?
Brian stopped selling to the amateur radio market because too many people made copies of his software available for free. It was very modestly priced – *not* freeware or shareware. And that is really a shame because his software was GOOD.
DoctorD, How can I contact you? Thanks, Garry
Simone, first of all thanks for YO 6.5.1
Now did you get YO7 ?
If so may you post the links ?
73’S Ed
Simone, seguendo le tue istruzioni e quindi non direttamente ma tramite questa pagina, ti ho chiesto
notizie del software YO7. Mi aspettavo una risposta, anche del tipo “non ne so niente”
Certamente non è obbligatoria una tua risposta, ma sarebbe stata una cortesia tra radioamatori,
che è mancata.
Ciao purtroppo il tempo per rispondere a tutti attraverso il blog non lo trovo facilmente, ma come vedi cerco di fare del mio meglio pubblicando articoli di interesse generale.
Mi dispiace non averti risposto nei tempi da te attesi. Cercherò di migliorare.
Magari tu, la prossima volta se hai urgenza, scrivimi una email…
per YO7.. mi spiace, non ne ho notizie
Is there anyone who has AO as well? Thanks, Ted, s51ta
Ted, did you find AO ?
I have 6.5
Ed, iv3tqe
I have been trying to obtain a copy of K6STI Yagi Optimizer V7.0
I have emailed him bur unfortunately no reply.
Where can I obtain a download copy of this VO V7.0 program.
Any help “out there” please.
73, Daryl.
I Bought an early YO plus upgrades from Brian 20+ years ago.
Now I want to upgrade to 7.0 but he will not respond. So I have a copy of 7.58 that has the buyers call embedded in the program….How to I get rid of that so I can send files to others??
Sorry can’t help you. Contact the author.
how can i get yo optimizer , or buy with new version
thanks for information to use DOS BOX , so i can use YO optimizer again
I’m building A 2 meter yagj I need to know how to specify element diameter In Y.O.
All My element will be 9.4.m (3/8″ ). I only See it option for tapered elements.
Do yo have any .yag files for OWA yagis? Thanks.
1990, I pay usd$:100 buy yo4.0?when I buy this software, I has been call a phone to K6STI